I use C51 version 9.60a (v9.60.0.0) for Nuvoton N76E003 chip programming.
Example of code:
//All fields are uint8_t type if ((buttons.Hold & BUTTON_SET)) { if ((buttons.Duration > (uint8_t)(2 * BUTTON_HOLD_TICK))) { config.displayOff ^= 0x01; } }
//All fields are uint8_t type
if ((buttons.Hold & BUTTON_SET)) {
if ((buttons.Duration > (uint8_t)(2 * BUTTON_HOLD_TICK))) {
config.displayOff ^= 0x01;
generates listing:
00B6 E500 R MOV A,buttons+02H00B8 30E20A JNB ACC.2,?C0063 00BB E500 R MOV A,buttons+04H00BD D3 SETB C00BE 9464 SUBB A,#064H00C0 4003 JC ?C0063 00C2 630001 R XRL config+06H,#01H The question: why all direct adresses shown as 00 value (in MOV / XRL operations of this example)?
00B6 E500 R MOV A,buttons+02H
00B8 30E20A JNB ACC.2,?C0063
00BB E500 R MOV A,buttons+04H
00BE 9464 SUBB A,#064H
00C0 4003 JC ?C0063
00C2 630001 R XRL config+06H,#01H
Because that's a compiler listing. The compiler has no idea where those variables will eventually be placed. That's for the linker to decide.
Which is what that lone ´R´ is about: it marks a relocation yet to be resolved.
If (for whatever reason) you actually need a listing with the actual addresses, look up the "absolute listing" option in the linker manual.