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USB Host working with NTFS


I have Keil NCP LPC 1857 Eval Board and I'm trying to get the USB host working with NTFS.

Is there some easy way to get the USB Host example code working using USB memory that is formatted to NTFS?


  • You'll likely need to license a third party NTFS implementation, or review Microsoft documentation on the format, or Linux/OSS implementations thereof.

    It is significantly more complex than FAT, especially if you want to write to it.

    A File System is implemented on-top of the IO layer. You can read/write the sectors on the media.

  • You'll likely need to license a third party NTFS implementation, or review Microsoft documentation on the format, or Linux/OSS implementations thereof.

    It is significantly more complex than FAT, especially if you want to write to it.

    A File System is implemented on-top of the IO layer. You can read/write the sectors on the media.

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