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bitfield in union and compile problem

Dear Sir, I have a problem about the union and bitfiled. I always suffer a strange problem in my system.
After I check the M51 file, I start to doubt that it is the bitfield and union problem in compile stage.
please see my code as below, I declare the union and macros in header file.

Please see the line 1198, I call the macro Drv_ClearRxEnd(). At C:0x1AE3, it calls the C:269D.
At C:0x269E ANL A,#IRCON2(0xBF)
I don't know why to use the SFR register(IRCON2) to clear it.

Could you give me some clues? Thank you.

In Header file: 
typedef union{
    U8 u8IsrStatus;
        U8 cc_tx_start:1; //set by ISR, clear by SW  //LSB
        U8 cc_tx_end:1; //set by ISR, clear by SW
        U8 busbusy:1; //set by ISR, clear by SW
        U8 HardResetSignaling:1;
        U8 CableResetSignaling:1;
        U8 cc_rx_start:1; //set by ISR, clear by SW
        U8 cc_rx_end:1; //set by ISR, clear by SW
        U8 pluginout:1; //set and clear by ISR        //MSB

extern ISR_STATUS volatile sISR_Status;
#define Drv_GetCableRst()     (sISR_Status.Bits.CableResetSignaling)
#define Drv_GetHardRst()      (sISR_Status.Bits.HardResetSignaling)
#define Drv_GetRxEnd()        (sISR_Status.Bits.cc_rx_end)
#define Drv_ClearRxStart()    {sISR_Status.Bits.cc_rx_start=0;}
#define Drv_ClearRxEnd()      {sISR_Status.Bits.cc_rx_end=0;}

#define Drv_ClearRxStart()    {WRITE_SFR_REG(LCD_LN0_4,0xBB);WRITE_SFR_REG(LCD_LN0_4,0xBB);sISR_Status.Bits.cc_rx_start=0;WRITE_SFR_REG(LCD_LN0_4,0xBB);WRITE_SFR_REG(LCD_LN0_4,0xBB);}
#define Drv_ClearRxEnd()      {WRITE_SFR_REG(LCD_LN0_4,0xBC);WRITE_SFR_REG(LCD_LN0_4,0xBC);sISR_Status.Bits.cc_rx_end=0;WRITE_SFR_REG(LCD_LN0_4,0xBC);WRITE_SFR_REG(LCD_LN0_4,0xBC);}

In M51 file:
C:0x1A72    900368   MOV      DPTR,#sISR_Status(0x0368) 
C:0x1A75    E0       MOVX     A,@DPTR
C:0x1A76    F5B4     MOV      LCD_LN0_4(0xB4),A
C:0x1A78    E0       MOVX     A,@DPTR
C:0x1A79    F5B4     MOV      LCD_LN0_4(0xB4),A
  1179:             WRITE_SFR_REG(LCD_LN0_4,0xFD);WRITE_SFR_REG(LCD_LN0_4,0xFD);
  1180: #endif
C:0x1A7B    75B4FD   MOV      LCD_LN0_4(0xB4),#0xFD
C:0x1A7E    75B4FD   MOV      LCD_LN0_4(0xB4),#0xFD
  1183:             if(Drv_GetRxEnd() && !Drv_GetHardRst() && !Drv_GetCableRst()) 
C:0x1A81    E0       MOVX     A,@DPTR
C:0x1A82    20E603   JB       0xE0.6,C:1A88 
C:0x1A85    021C5F   LJMP     C:1C5F
C:0x1A88    E0       MOVX     A,@DPTR
C:0x1A89    30E303   JNB      0xE0.3,C:1A8F 
C:0x1A8C    021C5F   LJMP     C:1C5F
C:0x1A8F    E0       MOVX     A,@DPTR
C:0x1A90    30E403   JNB      0xE0.4,C:1A96 
C:0x1A93    021C5F   LJMP     C:1C5F
  1184:             {
  1185:                 DEBUG_PRLRX(0xAF);
  1187:               #if PRINTF_MSG_HEADER_RX
C:0x1A96    75B5AF   MOV      LCD_LN0_5(0xB5),#0xAF


  1198:                 Drv_ClearRxEnd(); 
C:0x1ADD    1226A1   LCALL    L?0396(C:26A1)
C:0x1AE0    900368   MOV      DPTR,#sISR_Status(0x0368)
C:0x1AE3    12269D   LCALL    L?0395(C:269D)
  1199:                 Drv_ClearRxStart();
C:0x1AE6    75B4BB   MOV      LCD_LN0_4(0xB4),#S1RELH(0xBB)
C:0x1AE9    75B4BB   MOV      LCD_LN0_4(0xB4),#S1RELH(0xBB)
C:0x1AEC    E0       MOVX     A,@DPTR
C:0x1AED    54DF     ANL      A,#0xDF
C:0x1AEF    F0       MOVX     @DPTR,A
C:0x1AF0    75B4BB   MOV      LCD_LN0_4(0xB4),#S1RELH(0xBB)
C:0x1AF3    75B4BB   MOV      LCD_LN0_4(0xB4),#S1RELH(0xBB)

C:0x26A1    75B4BC   MOV      LCD_LN0_4(0xB4),#0xBC
C:0x26A4    75B4BC   MOV      LCD_LN0_4(0xB4),#0xBC
C:0x26A7    22       RET

C:0x269D    E0       MOVX     A,@DPTR
C:0x269E    54BF     ANL      A,#IRCON2(0xBF)
C:0x26A0    F0       MOVX     @DPTR,A
C:0x26A1    75B4BC   MOV      LCD_LN0_4(0xB4),#0xBC
C:0x26A4    75B4BC   MOV      LCD_LN0_4(0xB4),#0xBC
C:0x26A7    22       RET

  • I don't know why to use the SFR register(IRCON2) to clear it.

    It doesn't. The disassembler just referred to IRCON2 as a possible interpration of the raw value 0xBF. Whatever your undisclosed "strange problem" might be: this is has nothing to do with it.

  • I don't know why to use the SFR register(IRCON2) to clear it.

    It doesn't. The disassembler just referred to IRCON2 as a possible interpration of the raw value 0xBF. Whatever your undisclosed "strange problem" might be: this is has nothing to do with it.
