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STM32L072 Jumping to embedded bootloader from application code


MCU version 20KB RAM, 128 KB FLASH category 5. I tried solutions on the web available for different STM32 MCU with no success. BOOT0 pin is fixed to GND in my custom PCB.

My final code flow is like below:

1)Reset Handler

2)System init MSI as a system clock, reset all other clock settings and does something like below

SCB -> VTOR = FLASH_BASE | VECT_TAB_OFFSET; /* Vector table relocation in Internal Flash*/

3) Main Function

int main(){


Systick -> CTRL = 0;
Systick -> LOAD =0;
Systick -> VAL =0;



void (*foo)(void) = 0x00000004;
SCB -> VTOR = 0;


When i debug, code jumps to the location 0x00000004 but after some instructions device jumps again to reset handler.

Can you correct me to make embedded USBDFU bootloader work ?

Thanks in advance,

  • Having spent some time talking to ST Support about this I found this is a "Feature" of the ST Bootloader mechanism. Always at reset and if you jump to the bootloader by what ever method you choose, it will first read the sampled state of boot0 pin. If 1 the bootloader code continues to run and accepts commands as per the specification. If boot0 pin 0 (which it will be if you are jumping to the bootloader from your application) then it does the bank checks and jumps straight to them if they are valid. I.e. it restarts you application! Probably simplest option is to follow the approaches that use RC network on Boot0 connected to another GPO pin. Otherwise write your bootloader for the second bank and program your application into the first bank.

  • Having spent some time talking to ST Support about this I found this is a "Feature" of the ST Bootloader mechanism. Always at reset and if you jump to the bootloader by what ever method you choose, it will first read the sampled state of boot0 pin. If 1 the bootloader code continues to run and accepts commands as per the specification. If boot0 pin 0 (which it will be if you are jumping to the bootloader from your application) then it does the bank checks and jumps straight to them if they are valid. I.e. it restarts you application! Probably simplest option is to follow the approaches that use RC network on Boot0 connected to another GPO pin. Otherwise write your bootloader for the second bank and program your application into the first bank.

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