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STM32F722VC- CPU locked up error while program device

We can't program our STM32F722VC MCU due to "CPU locked up" error. We tried many things in Debug settings but can not program MCU.

So, How can I program this MCU ?. Is this MCU is dead ? Can we use this MCU ?

Thanks and best regards,

  • In this case, you should read the corresponding details in the device reference manual of STM32F722VC to understand your HW better. If CPU is really HW "locked up" or "read/write protected", what can uVision as an IDE or a debugger do?

  • In this case, you should read the corresponding details in the device reference manual of STM32F722VC to understand your HW better. If CPU is really HW "locked up" or "read/write protected", what can uVision as an IDE or a debugger do?

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