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how/ where is the "TARGET_IS" defined? for Tivaware on TM4C129

I am having trouble changing from a Texas Instruments TM4C123 to TM4C129 that are Arm Cortex-M4

In Texas Instruments "Tivaware" many libraries which have something like:
#if defined(TARGET_IS_TM4C123_RA1) #define ROM_SysCtlClockSet ((void (*)(uint32_t ui32Config))ROM_SYSCTLTABLE[23])
I know that the "TARGET_IS_TM4C123_RB1" is currently defined (by testing to see which #if is actually completing).
Yet, "TARGET_IS_TM4C129_RA1" should be defined. Then, I believe the preprocessor will start parsing and substituting correctly.

Where in a Keil project is a particular "TARGET_IS_xyz" defined?

-In "Device" of flash config tools I have selected TM4C129NCPDT which is correct to chip.
-I am using JTAG over J-Link Segger
-Keil MDK-Lite Version 5.24.1