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RTOS2 priority grouping


I have adapted my last project to the new RTOS2 RTX. It works fine but I think I found a bug : 'SVC_Initialize' function in 'rtx_kernel.c' uses the priority grouping configuration but priority grouping has not been initialized previously. Moreover, because AIRCR register reset value is 0xFA05.0000 after reset, i.e. no priority grouping defined, calls to 'NVC_Init' has no effect on interrupt priorities.

I fixed this problem adding a call to 'NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig' function in 'svcRtxKernelInitialize' function before the call to 'SVC_Initialize' function as below :


NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(NVIC_PriorityGroup_4); // Code added

// Initialize SVC and PendSV System Service Calls SVC_Initialize();

osRtxInfo.kernel.state = osRtxKernelReady;


return osOK;