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im working on project based on LPC824, and i cant find anywhere on internet do LPC 824
supports DMA to gpio.
Based on block diagram, GPIO is directly conectet to ARM M0+, so question is, can DMA access GPIO ?


  • That's a question for the chip manufacturer - NXP - nothing to do with Keil.

    But the datasheet looks quite clear:

    "8.12 DMA controller
    The DMA controller can access all memories and the USART, SPI, I2C, and ADC

    So there you have the list of peripherals that can work with DMA - and GPIO is not on the list.

  • That's a question for the chip manufacturer - NXP - nothing to do with Keil.

    But the datasheet looks quite clear:

    "8.12 DMA controller
    The DMA controller can access all memories and the USART, SPI, I2C, and ADC

    So there you have the list of peripherals that can work with DMA - and GPIO is not on the list.

No data