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ULinkPro : Cannot access memory

I am using ULinkPro Debugger to program and debug software on NXP LPC4088FBD144 MCU.

While downloading program in debug mode,
I am getting following error message "Cannot access memory" and "Cannot enter Debug Mode".
Downloading program on MCU is not possible.

I tried changing Max Clock frequency (all values of frequency) in
Target Driver Setup - Debug - Settings to solve the problem.
Problem not solved.

Please suggest a suitable solution to the problem.

  • >>Please suggest a suitable solution to the problem.

    Have you contacted technical support? Try that

    Does your system otherwise function?
    Who designed the board, and who validated the connectivity of the trace connector?
    Do any of the pins on the trace side have dual use? ie are they connected to high order address bits on an external memory bus, etc.
    Can that conflict with normal/trace operation?
    Have you configured the board for trace?
    Have you tested the trace pod on any known working board/hardware?
    Do you have a high quality USB cable connecting the pod, it is very fussy.

  • >>Please suggest a suitable solution to the problem.

    Have you contacted technical support? Try that

    Does your system otherwise function?
    Who designed the board, and who validated the connectivity of the trace connector?
    Do any of the pins on the trace side have dual use? ie are they connected to high order address bits on an external memory bus, etc.
    Can that conflict with normal/trace operation?
    Have you configured the board for trace?
    Have you tested the trace pod on any known working board/hardware?
    Do you have a high quality USB cable connecting the pod, it is very fussy.
