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software development


i'm new in forum also beginner level for programming arm products.

i have bought STM32F4 Discovery board with stm32f407VG controller.

i'm trying to start coding and trying something like blinking led or just any success, just anything... but after two weeks of trial and failure, i understand that you really suck at your job.

one day my phd lecturer was talking about engineering and system design, he said;

"i have phd on electronics, but i can't manage to update my tv-satellite channel adjustments they really have a bad design, on the other side look at this phone (iphone) my 5 years old boy can use its every feature, this is a good design and this makes good engineering..."

i really understand him better now.

is it that much hard to make it simple;

1. Get your evaluation board
2. plug it on your PC
3. Open your IDE and start coding
4. Send it to your board...

is it so hard?

i really don't understand WHY?
why do your have to make everyting that much complicated?
why do you have to pop up an idea like PACK INSTALLER my a..
why the heck doesn't it see anything?

Can't you do anything simple or do we have to wait for one more Steve Jobs to come and fix everything and teach you how to make good stuff??

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