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Pulse width measurement without input capture

Can we do Pulse width measurement without input capture method?

Is any any method?

How accurate this method will be?

  • It's as accurate as you manage to make it with your strange, unknown, processor of unknown capabilities and running at an unknown clock frequency.

    Any reason why you don't want to use some input capture hardware functionality? Capture hardware is as useful for measuring pulses as UART hardware is for receiving serial data - workarounds in software will never work as well.

    But if you know something about the pulse width, you might be able to use a high-speed SPI channel to measure, limiting the measure precision to the bit rate of the SPI.

  • It's as accurate as you manage to make it with your strange, unknown, processor of unknown capabilities and running at an unknown clock frequency.

    Any reason why you don't want to use some input capture hardware functionality? Capture hardware is as useful for measuring pulses as UART hardware is for receiving serial data - workarounds in software will never work as well.

    But if you know something about the pulse width, you might be able to use a high-speed SPI channel to measure, limiting the measure precision to the bit rate of the SPI.
