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ERROR: L6218E Undefined symbol

Hello Everyone,

I have an error message that seems easy to fix, but I have used all of my brain cells trying to figure this out after a couple of days.

I have the Keil IDE with the ARM® Compiler toolchain
Version 5.02

The processor is a stm32f303

This is my error message.

UART STM32F3.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol ucInputBuffer (referred from routine.o).

The "ucInputBuffer" is my own variable.

I have the #include "routine.h" where the "ucInputBuffer" is declared.

Inside the "routine.h" file I declare the variable like shown below.

extern volatile unsigned char ucInputBuffer;

This is my compiler control string.

-c --cpu Cortex-M4.fp -g -O0 --apcs=interwork -I..\STM32F3
-I C:\Keil\ARM\RV31\INC
-I C:\Keil\ARM\CMSIS\Include
-I C:\Keil\ARM\Inc\ST\STM32F30x
-o "*.o" --omf_browse "*.crf" --depend "*.d"

This is the linker control string.

--cpu Cortex-M4.fp *.o
--strict --scatter "UART STM32F3.sct"
--summary_stderr --info summarysizes --map --xref --callgraph --symbols
--info sizes --info totals --info unused --info veneers --list ".\UART"
-o "UART STM32F3.axf"

Any ideas anyone???


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