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Strugling to interface 4x8 keypad with LPC2148

Hi Friends, I am new to ARM. I have a project where i am trying to interface the keypad with controller. After a try of two days i thought i will try to take help from you guys....if somebody can refer me to any tutorial on this subject ...going to be a great help for me. I have tried to find any application note based on this but in a vain never found any thing after lot of googling.
Guys please help me! Just guide me to some site where they have discussed any matrix keypad interfacing with LPC2148 or any other ARM controller.

Thank you!

  • Are you familiar with any other microcontroller?

    Do you understand the basic principles of how to scan a switch matrix?
    These principles will be independedent of what technology - microcontroller or otherwise - you use.

    Have you spent time studying how to use the GPIO on an LPC2148?
    eg, blinking a LED (output) and detecting a single switch (input)?
    These, again, are fundamental principles - once you have mastered them, you should be able to apply them to the switch matrix problem...

    There are plenty of examples of using the LPC2148 on this site, on the NXP site, and on many other websites...

    Don't forget to check out the application notes, tutorials, etc, on the NXP site.

  • Are you familiar with any other microcontroller?

    Do you understand the basic principles of how to scan a switch matrix?
    These principles will be independedent of what technology - microcontroller or otherwise - you use.

    Have you spent time studying how to use the GPIO on an LPC2148?
    eg, blinking a LED (output) and detecting a single switch (input)?
    These, again, are fundamental principles - once you have mastered them, you should be able to apply them to the switch matrix problem...

    There are plenty of examples of using the LPC2148 on this site, on the NXP site, and on many other websites...

    Don't forget to check out the application notes, tutorials, etc, on the NXP site.
