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GSM interfaced with 8051

hi i have interfaced GSM SIM300 device with microcontroller 8051 , i am building a application that when the message is recieved from mobile the relay should get on . I am able to send the commands when GSM device is connected to pc it is responding also . but what are the commands i have to send from mobile to send messages to the device . can you help me out ?

thanks in advance

  • Why do you think that formatting your entire message in bold is a good or helpful thing to do?

    "what are the commands i have to send from mobile"

    You said that you are building the application that receives the commands - so it's up to you to define those commands!

  • Why do you think that formatting your entire message in bold is a good or helpful thing to do?

    "what are the commands i have to send from mobile"

    You said that you are building the application that receives the commands - so it's up to you to define those commands!

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