I am using the STM32-Discovery board(ST-Link debugger chip connected via SWD interface (no JTAG) to STM32F100VB 32 bit CortexM3 processor) with uVision4(evaluation version, though code is way under the 32k limit).
I can look at memory & registers, and debug & set breakpoints in the disassembly window, but can't debug or set breakpoints in the regular source code windows.
I also can't program with uVision but this is not a problem. Just using the ST-Link utility program instead.
Does anyone know what would be causing this?
Thanks, Dusty
"can't debug or set breakpoints in the regular source code windows."
You need to be more specific about what problem(s), exactly, you are facing.
Have you checked the introductory information to ensure that your are following the correct procedures?
I've used the ulink pro and a couple of other on-chip debuggers on my laptop.
Usually in uVision, if you want to set a breakpoint, you double click on the place you want to insert it in the source code (or press the red insert/remove breakpoint button). A red dot appears on the left of the window and the program stops if or when it reaches this point. When using a new chip or debugger I usually place one on the first line of main() to make sure it is loading correctly.
This is working in the disassembly window but not in any of the source code windows.
Usually when I have the disassembly window open and have stopped at a particular line of c source code, the equivalent line of assembly code is also highlighted. The disassembly window also has comments inserted that let you know where it is in the c program.
Neither of these features are working(the disassembly code is un-commented and the regular source code is ignored when in debug mode).
The uVision "Peripherals" menu for this chip seems to be working fine (I turned on the clock for GPIOA, toggled a couple of the I/O pins, and verified with meter).
It is as if uVision is unaware that the c code has anything to do with what is on the microprocessor.
typo: meant "on-development-board debuggers"
Have you included debug information?