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KIEL C compilers vs MPLAB C compilers

Which of them is better in code size ?

Which of them is better in code speed?

Can Hi-Tech support all microchip librarys and source codes(peripheral lib , dsp lib, graphic lib, TCPIP lib, ......)?

Can KIEL support freeRTOS?

Can MPLAB support all intel librarys(mcu , mpu , lib, ....)?

Compare both and tell me what you prefer and why?

  • I think a Porsche is better than a MAN truck.

    Don't you realize that you are talking about different processor architectures?

    Why would a Keil (not Kiel) user care about the performance of MPLAB or what code HI-TECH compilers produces for PIC processors?

    Go home and do some home work on what processor architectures you are interested in. Then start comparing compilers for that specific architecture.

  • I think a Porsche is better than a MAN truck.

    Don't you realize that you are talking about different processor architectures?

    Why would a Keil (not Kiel) user care about the performance of MPLAB or what code HI-TECH compilers produces for PIC processors?

    Go home and do some home work on what processor architectures you are interested in. Then start comparing compilers for that specific architecture.

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