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Cannot access memory error on MCB1700 & example project


I am definitely having a hard time getting started with Keil development tools.
I just received my ULINK 2, plugged it into the MCB1700. It went fine, until I tryed to download the "blinky example" to the LPC1768.

Debugger starts, runs through System_init() then gets out of control : I keep getting "Cannot access memory" on the output window. I have been looking around since I understand that the error is due to an attempt to reach memory locations that are not physically present in the 1768. Yet I have tried several times to configure the target according to the memory specifications of the LPC which are on chip Flash starting at 0x0 to 0x80000 (I have tried lower values as well) and RAM from 0x1000 0000 to 0x1000 8000.

I have tried with different projects, checking various options in the debug/target otpions windows (tried flash and RAM programming, or unchecking caching options for example), but none of these solved my problem, I still get the "cannot access memory" error right after the system_init() routine.

So I am kind of out of ideas at this point, any help/suggestions would be really helpful!


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