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Re: Color TFT programming

Recently i had purchased a graphics Color TFT lcd with Touch screen from Taiwan. I m not sure abt the manufacturer of the lcd. The size is 5.7" with 640x480 resolution and 4- wire resistance interface for TSCR.

The LCD module is having Source and Gate Driver IC namely HX8250A and HX8678A. The output of the module has 18-bit parallel TTL interface(Red - R0 to R5, Green - G0 to G5, Blue - B0 to B5).Along with this HSYNC,VSYNC, DE,CLK are also present.

But i m not sure how to write a application program for the lcd module. As i dont have any datasheet of the LCD module i m not quite sure where should i start from and how to write the program for this?

Anybody can suggest in this??

  • One more note. You noticed that you didn't have any datasheet for the LCD, but you do know its pinout. That information had to come from somewhere. From my experience, datasheets for LCD modules don't have much more info that the part numbers of IC's used in them and required supply voltages. This information is normally sufficient to get them working.

  • One more note. You noticed that you didn't have any datasheet for the LCD, but you do know its pinout. That information had to come from somewhere. From my experience, datasheets for LCD modules don't have much more info that the part numbers of IC's used in them and required supply voltages. This information is normally sufficient to get them working.
