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Hi, i also facing same problem as some other yappers here.

I want to build a simulator for a 50A 13.6V switching charger for car battery.

Does anyone have a good simulation for a schematic and dsesign

Bye friends.

  • What do you mean by a simulator here?!

    And what is a "simulation" for a schematic?!

    None of the other "yappers" has been able (or willing) to explain this.

    It is impossible to make relevant suggestions when when it's not clear what you're actually trying to achieve!

  • What do you mean by a simulator here?!

    And what is a "simulation" for a schematic?!

    None of the other "yappers" has been able (or willing) to explain this.

    It is impossible to make relevant suggestions when when it's not clear what you're actually trying to achieve!
