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difference between data and program memory

what is the difference between data and program memory?
help me please..

  • Data memory = where you place your variables. You can read and write values.

    Program memory = where the application is stored. Some chips allows parts of the program memory to be modified in blocks (segments), but you can't store variables in the program memory. It is normally possible to store constants - i.e. initialized variables that you do not change - in the program memory.

    Your PC also has data memory and program memory. But the program memory is very small in the PC - it is just for storage of the BIOS - the boot messages you see when the PC boots, and (often, but not always) the configiguration pages where you define if you have a floppy installed, if the computer should support a USB keyboard etc.

  • Data memory = where you place your variables. You can read and write values.

    Program memory = where the application is stored. Some chips allows parts of the program memory to be modified in blocks (segments), but you can't store variables in the program memory. It is normally possible to store constants - i.e. initialized variables that you do not change - in the program memory.

    Your PC also has data memory and program memory. But the program memory is very small in the PC - it is just for storage of the BIOS - the boot messages you see when the PC boots, and (often, but not always) the configiguration pages where you define if you have a floppy installed, if the computer should support a USB keyboard etc.
