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Problem with restart debug when I reset the CPU

Good morning,

I relocated my startup code at address 0x8004000, I created a debug .ini file like this

FUNC void DebugSetup (void) {
// </h>
    SP = _RDWORD(0x08004000);           // Setup Stack Pointer
    PC = _RDWORD(0x08004004);           // Setup Program Counter
    _WDWORD(0xE000ED08, 0x08004000); // VTOR to Image Base

DebugSetup();                       // Debugger Setup

When I start the Debug all it's ok, the application starts from the main;
the problem is when I reset the cpu (from the button) to reinitialize the Debug again at the main. The disassembling code starts from the location 0x08000000, instead of 0x08004000.
Why? Is there a possible to resolve this problem?

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