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Using DCD or DCW instruction in Inline Assembly

I want to write an inline assembly code, where I want to put some constant data, after the end of the code. This data is referenced from the code.
If I am using DCD instruction or DCW instruction, compiler gives error as error: #3061: unrecognized instruction opcode .
I am unable to figure out the possible problem of this error. I have checked the instruction in disassembly and written it in the same way. Also tried some more combinations but in each case it is giving me the same error. The approaches are listed below,

DCD      20000000
DCD      0x20000000
DCD      #20000000
DCD      &h20000000

I also tried to check in the documentation but I didn't found any example for inline assembly with this instruction.
Can anyone please tell me to use the instruction?
For pure assembly it works fine.

  • It is not technically an instruction
    Perhaps you can define an array with the data, or use the form LDR R0,=0x12345678

    I personally try to avoid in-line assembler because it is extremely difficult to port. Consider placing routines in your startup.s file, and calling them.

  • It is not technically an instruction
    Perhaps you can define an array with the data, or use the form LDR R0,=0x12345678

    I personally try to avoid in-line assembler because it is extremely difficult to port. Consider placing routines in your startup.s file, and calling them.

No data