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Error in Configuration Wizard parser

This is an example from

//   <o TIMESTAMP_SRC>Time Stamp Source
//      <dwt=>     DWT Cycle Counter
//      <systick=> SysTick
//      <user=>    User Timer
//   Selects source for 32-bit time stamp
#define TIMESTAMP_SRC  systick

Try inserting a digit into both instances of "TIMESTAMP_SRC", for example "TIMESTAMP2_SRC" and the parser will fail with
"Syntax error in Options Block - line xxx:
Invalid numeric number."
Pregrammers very frequently use #defined values with digits and this is a severe limitation.

  • Hello Alex,

    The configuration wizard annotations are for making an easy to use Wizard view for Programmers. The Wizard saves typing, and also prevents bad values being entered (since you can control the ranges).

    The annotations were designed to build a view like this:

    If you want to set to systick, you should do that outside of the configuration wizard, that is to say, after this line in the config file:

    //------------- <<< end of configuration section >>> -----------------------

    #define TIMESTAMP_SRC systick


    Another option is to make a premade list of valid values - these could be the values of systick.

    // <o>Tick Timer interval <10=> 10 ms <20=> 20 ms <25=> 25 ms
    // <40=> 40 ms <50=> 50 ms <100=> 100 ms
    // <200=> 200 ms
    // System Tick Timer interval for software timers
    Default: 100 ms
    #define TICK_INTERVAL 100

  • Hello Alex,

    The configuration wizard annotations are for making an easy to use Wizard view for Programmers. The Wizard saves typing, and also prevents bad values being entered (since you can control the ranges).

    The annotations were designed to build a view like this:

    If you want to set to systick, you should do that outside of the configuration wizard, that is to say, after this line in the config file:

    //------------- <<< end of configuration section >>> -----------------------

    #define TIMESTAMP_SRC systick


    Another option is to make a premade list of valid values - these could be the values of systick.

    // <o>Tick Timer interval <10=> 10 ms <20=> 20 ms <25=> 25 ms
    // <40=> 40 ms <50=> 50 ms <100=> 100 ms
    // <200=> 200 ms
    // System Tick Timer interval for software timers
    Default: 100 ms
    #define TICK_INTERVAL 100
