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LPC1768 Ethernet Boot Loader Problem

hi all,

i am using Ethernet bootloader on Cortex-M3 LPC1768. The bootloader sample code used was provided by Flash Magic. i have configured the bootloader code locatio from 0x0000 to 0x2000 and application code location from 0x2000 to 0x80000. it is working properly when i erase the full chip, load the application code first then bootloder code. But if i load the bootloader code first then application code, execution is not jumping to application code.
what colud be the problem? please suggest.

  • "if i load the bootloader code first then application code, execution is not jumping to application code"

    So how, exactly, do you "load" the application code in this case?

    If you're using the debugger, then you will need to take care not to erase or overwrite the bootloader ...

  • "if i load the bootloader code first then application code, execution is not jumping to application code"

    So how, exactly, do you "load" the application code in this case?

    If you're using the debugger, then you will need to take care not to erase or overwrite the bootloader ...
