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I 'm got started coding the RTOS program by using RTX. And I encountered The error "OS_ERROR_TIMER_OVF" . According to the following program,It is occurred "due to User Timer Callback Queue overflow detected". So, I changed the OS_TIMERCBQS value from 4 to 25. But the error is not disappeared.

void os_error (uint32_t error_code) {
/* HERE: include optional code to be executed on runtime error. */
switch (error_code) {
case OS_ERROR_STACK_OVF: /* Stack overflow detected for the currently running task. */ /* Thread can be identified by calling svcThreadGetId(). */

tid_overstack = svcThreadGetId(); break;
case OS_ERROR_FIFO_OVF: /* ISR FIFO Queue buffer overflow detected. */ break;
case OS_ERROR_MBX_OVF: /* Mailbox overflow detected. */ break;
case OS_ERROR_TIMER_OVF: /* User Timer Callback Queue overflow detected. */ break;
default: break;
} for (;;);
} How should I do to resolve the error? If you know the solution ,Please let me know.

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