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funcrion with variable number of argumnets


I am using my own bare-meta code with cortex A9.

Recently I started using the same package with cortex A8.

But I noticed that calling a function with varibale number of arguments fails somewhere inside (not sure where yet- no printing from the OS).

Int32 BSP_DbgPrintf(CONST CHAR *fmt, ...)

int int_ret_val;
Int32 Channel = BSP_DEBUG;

uint32_t ret_val = 0;
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);

int_ret_val = vsprintf(print_buf, fmt, args);
if (int_ret_val >= 0)
{ BSP_Print(Channel,print_buf);
ret_val = 0;
} else
{ ret_val = -1;


return ret_val;


The crosss compiler is:

arm-eabi-gcc.exe (GCC) 4.8.2

I would like to ask if you have some idea what can cause this function not to work properly ? Is it related to startup scripts (configuring stack pointer) ?



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