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How to use mdk-arm middleware

I'm a beginner in ARM programming.
Please tell me how to use mdk-arm middleware.

Used cpu : STM32F407IGT6
Used Development Environment : MDK-ARM Ver5.22

I want to operate the SD card using file system.
The return value of "finit" is "fsok".
However, the return value of "fmount" is "fsNoMedia".
Please tell me why it will be "fsNoMedia".

The circuit connection is as follows
cpu 117(SDIO_D0) - SD 7(DATA0) pull-up resistor 22k
cpu 118(SDIO_D1) - SD 8(DATA1) pull-up resistor 22k
cpu 139(SDIO_D2) - SD 9(DATA2) pull-up resistor 22k
cpu 140(SDIO_D3) - SD 1(DATA3) pull-up resistor 22k
cpu 141(SDIO_CK) - SD 5(CLK)
cpu 144(SDIO_CMD) - SD 2(CMD) pull-up resistor 22k

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