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Should I use cubeMX?

Hi I am a newbie to STM32 (coming from 8 bit freescale) , and will be concentrating on the STM32L0 range. The CubeMX looks really good at first site, but wondering what people thouhts are? Am I better using it to initialise my code, then simply change parts? I looked at the code generated for the UART. And amazed at the amount of code it added for a simple interupt enabled (not DMA).

Many Thanks

  • The HAL is chronically bloated, at least one of the Cortex-M0 families pulls in the entire floating point library to initialize the USART baud rate. On some parts there is a LL (Low Level) library that might be more palatable.

    I prefer the SPL.

    Keil has previously used a more register level approach.

  • The HAL is chronically bloated, at least one of the Cortex-M0 families pulls in the entire floating point library to initialize the USART baud rate. On some parts there is a LL (Low Level) library that might be more palatable.

    I prefer the SPL.

    Keil has previously used a more register level approach.
