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mew install: Device list is empty

The real issue here is not my final complaint, as indicated by the title, but that the installation process is horribly broken. Please bear with me:

I install MDK523. At the end a "Package something" opens that goes on to install devices. Already there are several problems:
- the dialog doesn't say that it is busy downloading, this only becomes apparent after some time, through a progressbar... hidden in a corner
- there are 4 panes, it isn't at all clear what they are meant to show

In the end the progress bar clears and I return to the 4 pane window. Now what?? What todo here? No close button, nothing. I can check for updates, again. I do. Nothing to install. Ok, File->Exit then, but a dialog complains that it must suspend something. No, there really is nothing to suspend.

So I launch Keil from the Start Menu. In the Device Database there is a big list of devices. Wonderful. But I can't initiate a project from this dialog. The only thing that I can *do* is close the dialog. Horrible!

So I go on to Project->New and fill in a project name (rather than doing so at the end). Then I must "Select Device for Target 'Target 1'...". What is 'Target 1', hum, ah, a project must have multiple targets.. why bother with this detail at this time?

But the real issue, and dealbreaker, is that the dialog is completely empty, as *many* others have complained at this forum. Now I know I can go to and download and install packs, but really they were already installed. They just disappeared.

Now Keil engineers need to clean up their act. It is totally unacceptable that this list is empty. It means I can't use Keil while the Device Manager will show a full list.

This is the second time I installed Keil, so I know about etc. Even installing packs doesn't guarantee resolution, because probably) installed packs only magically appear when you restart Keil. Just read previous questions carefully: they don't know how they got to a working state. This is all just broken and has been for a year or so.

Or forever.

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