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Bootloader Jump Code not working

I am working on a boot loader for a STM32F103 (Cortex M3) and I cannot get the jump code to work properly. I am fairly new to ARM and I have exhausted my knowledge in trying to fix this. This is what I have:

#define USER_FLASH_START ( 0x8000000 + ( 16 * 1024 ) ) /* Flash start address 16K */
#define USER_FLASH_END ( 0x8000000 + ( 0x10000 ) )

void GoToUserApp(void)

u32 appJumpAddress;

void (*GoToApp)(void);

appJumpAddress = *((volatile u32*)(USER_FLASH_START + 4));

GoToApp = (void (*)(void))appJumpAddress;


__set_MSP(*((volatile u32*) USER_FLASH_START)); //stack pointer (to RAM) for USER app



The above code just keeps causing the controller to reset. If I debug, I am getting these values:

- USER_FLASH_START: 0x8004000
- appJumpAddress: 0x8000101
- GoToApp: 0x8000101
- __set_MSP: 0x8000156

These values do not make sense to me so I am hoping someone here can help me out. Thanks.