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Output from STM32F4 board to speaker

Hi, I am new to an embedded platform. I am using STM32F407 board with cortex-m4 and Wolfson pi audio extension card. I am using Keil micro vision 5. I Want to generate white Gaussian noise signal using the code(which I have to write) and I want to pass that output to the speaker. I went through some examples like audio passthrough and some others which were given in DSP Lab modules. I observed that we can give DMIC IN and LINE IN as inputs to the system so that we can hear out using headphones. But in my case, I want to generate that input signal within the code. Is this possible? I tried passing rand function as input which generates random numbers within the range 0 to 32767 in the stm32_loop_intr function, but I couldn't hear anything on headphones. So, is there a way to generate a white Gaussian noise signal? If this is possible, can I hear that sound through headphones?

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