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Simple UART example file doesn't work

Hello everyone! I'm new to this forum and to ARM/keil in general.
This is my setup: STM32VL Discovery Board (STM32F100RB), uVision 5.26.2 (eval version). The project in question is a pristine CUBEF1 example - UART_Printf - found in original Cube1\Projects\STM32VL-Discovery\Examples\UART folder. The purpose of this example is to show the re-routing of the C library printf function to the UART. As I intend to use this method in my future projects for debugging, I'm interested to understand and have this project working. This is what's happening: the project comes with the option "Use MicroLIB" checked. It compiles fine and it works on the board. If I choose not to use the MicroLIB (by unchecking it), it still compiles ok, but it does not work anymore (it freezes somewhere in the Init part). As I don't intend to use this library in all (any?) of my projects, I'd really like to have the clean version working. Does anyone have an idea as why this might happen? Thanks in advance for any input!

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