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uVision compiling very slow when generating Browse Information

Is is just me, or is there a problem when compiling with the Output option to generate Browser Information?

If I compile without generating Browser Information, compile times are decent.

>>MDK-ARM Professional 5.22
>>Parallel build configuration enabled for 8 jobs.
>>Virus checker set to ignore all KEIL folders and executables.
>>Virus checker set to ignore all project folders.
>>Decently fast machine
>>I have read this page:

It's a large project, and waiting has become frustrating even for incremental builds.

I like to use browser information as it makes life easier when navigating code.
Eclipse does an amazing job of indexing the source files (outside of compile time) for this purpose.
I wish uVision would be the same.

Is there anything I can do speed things up?

  • My team is also experiencing frustratingly long build times when browse information is enabled.

    We also have a large project and use Keil 5.22. When building with browse information it takes around 3 minutes to compile. Without browse information it is 15 seconds.

    A few Keil versions ago the build time was closer to 30 seconds with browse information. We would like to get back under the 30 second time frame. Any ideas?

  • My team is also experiencing frustratingly long build times when browse information is enabled.

    We also have a large project and use Keil 5.22. When building with browse information it takes around 3 minutes to compile. Without browse information it is 15 seconds.

    A few Keil versions ago the build time was closer to 30 seconds with browse information. We would like to get back under the 30 second time frame. Any ideas?
