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If statement is evaluating even though the value is 0

Processor: 8051 (AT89LP4052)

for (i=0; i<8; i++){
        if ((P1 >> i) & 1){ //if the channel is high (idle)
                P1mask &= ~(1 << i); //clear the bit
                chan_counter[i] = 0xFF; //reset the channel counter

In the debugger, when added to the Watch1 ((P1 >> i) & 1) shows 0 correctly when I switch off the port1 pins; but the code inside the {} still runs!

I can't figure out why this is not working. Another part of my code I am using

 if ((P1 | P1mask) == 0xFF) {

and it works fine.

Any tips on getting this if statement to work?