Feature Request: uVision
When I am writing an application I like to have the header files in a project group so that they are easily accessible. Right clicking a group, selecting "Add New Item to Group" and creating a .c file automatically adds it to that group and I think it would be convenient to have the same functionality for a .h file. In fact all the other file types are automatically added to the selected group its just .h files that are different.
I know that the .h file is accessible once it is included in a .c file by expanding the tree in the project view. I do not find it convenient however when I have to search through about 50 .h files associated to that .c file, the majority of which are part of some 3rd party library (e.g. RTOS and STM Hal libraries), to find the one I want.
Hello Stephen,
I understand now, and have reproduced the issue.
I have created an online support case. Feel free to login at silver.arm.com/support using your email as username to view more information, and status updates.
I think this issue can be considered a defect. IDE offers header file as a selection in the dialog, but the IDE doesn't completely follow through. It creates the file, but fails to add it into the Project window. Workaround is that the user does an extra step, "Add Existing File..." to really add in the header file.
Thanks, Zack
Thanks for creating the case for me Zack.