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CMSIS CAN Driver SetBitrate() call


I am reading the CMSIS doco for ARM_CAN_SetBitrate() and have the following question concerning the parameters...

The "bitrate" parameter according to the documentation defines the bitrate.

The "bit_segments" parameter sets the number of Tq making a bit time... and how the bit is divided up into the segments.

Nevermind I answered my own question by formulating it... I think. However if someone would like to confirm the following it would be good... since it still seems backwards to me.

--- The time quanta is not defined directly but is obtained as the result of dividing the total bit time by the number of Tq making up the segments + 1 for the sync seg. ---

( very backwards... as Tq is provided by the hardware and it would make sense ( to me ) to start calculation from there )
