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Debugger does not run unless using MicroLIB

I have a Keil project that is built using ARMCC, with "use MicroLIB" unchecked. It links multiple libraries, including CppUTest, that are also built with ARMCC.

During Keil debug session with simulator, I set a single breakpoint on a line after my tests are called. I press "run" and it stops somewhere inside; I have to press "run" repeatedly to get it to step through each test call (and output each printf) and eventually reach the breakpoint I set.

However, when I compile the same project with "use MicroLIB" checked, pressing "run" behaves as expected and goes to the first breakpoint.

Does anyone have a good explanation for this behavior? I'd like to understand why this happens since I ultimately want to build without MicroLIB, but also have the debug "run" instead of having to repeatedly step.

Device: ARM Cortex M0 Plus
CMSIS pack: 5.4.0
ARMCC: 5.06 update 6

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