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Compile error while rebuilding RTX Blinky 5 example

I have a STM32F4-Discovery and I started using keil based on app_230.
When I try to rebuild the example project of RTX Blinky 5 I encounter with following errors:

*** Using Compiler 'V5.06 update 2 (build 183)', folder: 'C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\Bin'
Rebuild target 'STM32F407 Flash'
assembling startup_stm32f407xx.s...
compiling RTX_Conf_CM.c...
compiling system_stm32f4xx.c...
RTE\Device\STM32F407VG\system_stm32f4xx.c(424): error: #20: identifier "HSI_VALUE" is undefined SystemCoreClock = HSI_VALUE;
RTE\Device\STM32F407VG\system_stm32f4xx.c(485): error: #20: identifier "HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT" is undefined } while((HSEStatus == 0) && (StartUpCounter != HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT));
RTE\Device\STM32F407VG\system_stm32f4xx.c(522): error: #20: identifier "PLL_N" is undefined

LL_M | (PLL_N << 6) | (((PLL_P >> 1) -1) << 16) |
RTE\Device\STM32F407VG\system_stm32f4xx.c(522): error: #20: identifier "PLL_P" is undefined

LL_M | (PLL_N << 6) | (((PLL_P >> 1) -1) << 16) |
RTE\Device\STM32F407VG\system_stm32f4xx.c: 0 warnings, 4 errors
compiling LED.c...
LED.c(64): error: #136: struct "<unnamed>" has no field "BSRRL"

PIOD->BSRRL = led_mask[num];
LED.c(74): error: #136: struct "<unnamed>" has no field "BSRRH"

PIOD->BSRRH = led_mask[num];
LED.c: 0 warnings, 2 errors
compiling Blinky.c...
".\Flash\Blinky.axf" - 6 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).

I've done nothing in this example. Just I open it and then rebuilt it.

Can someone please help me.

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