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How to Add support for new custom rtos for keil debugging and compilation


I am looking for articles, direction on how to add support for custom rtos for keil.

Main points being, example for compiled cortex m7 elf:-

which all files will be needed by keil inaddition to elf to debug that? startup files, which one's? By default keil add startup files if we create generic arm cortex m7 project.
What all files be needed are keil?

How to populate source along with elf?

any changes in linker script required?

How to create a project for uvision when compiling a sample app on custom rtos? and open source library support that?

Any supportive documentation? I know mbed cki does that, but that seems to e very hardwired with mbed os.

  • How I yearn for the good old days, where you had to search around for books, hunt through spools of microfiche and log onto multiple bulletin boards to find enough information to build a system from scratch.

    But of course, now the Internet is here, all the information is just a click away. All you need to do is post a message on a forum and ask for others to do the work for you :(

  • How I yearn for the good old days, where you had to search around for books, hunt through spools of microfiche and log onto multiple bulletin boards to find enough information to build a system from scratch.

    But of course, now the Internet is here, all the information is just a click away. All you need to do is post a message on a forum and ask for others to do the work for you :(
