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BUG? Executing RESET Command through Source Code in uVision Debug Mode


I'm using MDK 5.24a with µVision V5.24.2.0 and I have a really confusing behaviour.

When I'm in Debug Mode and stopped in a Breakpoint, I step into an other function. This function has several Defines including RESET. This is a Define and I can see it in the header file when I'm not in Debug Mode. When I do a right click on it to get some information, the Debugger just resets the target, like I send a command over the built-in console, but I don't type any command!.

Target: STM32F4

Just FYI...

Kind regards

  • Defines likely turn into something else via the preprocessing done by the compiler. You'll want to dig back through the definitions to the point you have an actual instruction or function call.

    Probably NVIC_SystemReset() or something similar. Stepping into something the resets the core will likely do exactly that, in debug mode, or whatever.

    You'll need to provide more context to understand if this something abnormal.

  • Defines likely turn into something else via the preprocessing done by the compiler. You'll want to dig back through the definitions to the point you have an actual instruction or function call.

    Probably NVIC_SystemReset() or something similar. Stepping into something the resets the core will likely do exactly that, in debug mode, or whatever.

    You'll need to provide more context to understand if this something abnormal.

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