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Visual Studio plugin to compile and debug Keil projects

I have been doing some work on Esp32 modules using Visual Studio and VisualGDB plugin.
and after getting used to the VS IDE quite like it.

VisualGDB announced that they are

fully compatible with the Keil ARM compiler. This includes seamless
MSBuild support with Keil-specific property sheets, Makefile support as an
alternative to MSBuild, and a settings page for easily integrating
Keil packs into your project.

I imported a Keil version 5 project and was surprised to see it just works
(Compiles, and debugs with a ST linkV2)

Not tried to use it in anger on project but would be interested to see find out if anyone
else is and what is their prefernace eg the Keil IDE or Visual Studio IDE.

P.S I do have a licensed Keil seat

  • Have you seen this thread: ?

    I have always found the uVision editor & project manager pretty lame.

    IME/IMO, the one and only thing at which uVision excels is the debugging.

    So, as Tamir says, that would be the Killer Issue: does VisualGDB give you good debug access, without needing major faffing around to get it set up and working?

    Does VisualGDB work with the uLink ?

    Although not an issue for me, a question which comes up from time to time is: "Is it cross-platform?" - in particular, "Will it run in Linux?"

    Atmel Studio uses MS Visual Studio - not sure if it uses VisualGDB for its debugging?

  • Have you seen this thread: ?

    I have always found the uVision editor & project manager pretty lame.

    IME/IMO, the one and only thing at which uVision excels is the debugging.

    So, as Tamir says, that would be the Killer Issue: does VisualGDB give you good debug access, without needing major faffing around to get it set up and working?

    Does VisualGDB work with the uLink ?

    Although not an issue for me, a question which comes up from time to time is: "Is it cross-platform?" - in particular, "Will it run in Linux?"

    Atmel Studio uses MS Visual Studio - not sure if it uses VisualGDB for its debugging?
