Let me start by saying that I have solved the problem I will describe below in what I consider a not so elegant way. I am curious to know why previous attempt I have made failed so here I am. I have 2 executables - A and B. I want to add B to A as a library (hoping to reuse B later for similar processors...). B contains an ISR that I prefer keeping in B. When I build B as a library and resolve all the obvious issues after inserting into A (SysTick, configuration etc.) I see that A fails. The map file of A indicates why: the ISR contained in B remained unresolved but linking succeeds because it is a weak function. I tried to explicitly import it to no avail. What I did not try it remapping the vector table and changing the cell dedicated to the IRQ in question to contain the address of the handler in B. What I did try and works was build the ISR into A and call an API in B to handle it. I wonder why ISR names cannot be resolve during link time - or maybe the toolchain can do that but I missed the method?
Thanks in advance.
I think you have (somewhat) misunderstood what the document said: the problem was with the WEAK attribute - not the fact that they are ISRs as such?
That's right - the document refers to symbols, and the ISR is just yet another one.
IF you do not provide a WEAK "default" handler in your main code, the linker will resolve to the handler in the Library.
I believe I tried that (by removing references from the startup file) - but still, the linker could not resolve the symbol. I may have forgotten a detail, I may try again but I'm less than motivated now :-) Thanks anyway.
I am way too busy to guide and teach you now. You must find motivation tapeer. Especially if you want to get to the high leader firmware creator level.
Always yo're freind.