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keil-51 monitor driver.


i have built an flash board using P89v51rd2. it is working on flash magic, but it is not working correctly with keil 51 monitor driver. my doubts are as follows

1> is it necessary to load a hex file monitor.hex in P89v51rd before debugging with keil-51 monitor driver?

2> at the time of debugging with keil monitor driver, PC shows a error message "a debugger DLL is aborted".

please give me solution for this problem.

  • In order to use the Monitor-51, you need v.Neumann wired external RAM where your application can be downloaded. Do you have this?
    You need to build a Monitor.hex file and download it with FlashMagic. After that, you can use uVision to download your application into the external v.Neumann wired RAM. When the monitor is configured for the reset address of the microcontroller, you need to relocate your application (code, startup and interrupts) to a higher address where the v.Neumann wired RAM is located.
    If you don't have v.Neumann wired external RAM, you cannot use Monitor-51 but you could use ISD51. Please see more details:

  • In order to use the Monitor-51, you need v.Neumann wired external RAM where your application can be downloaded. Do you have this?
    You need to build a Monitor.hex file and download it with FlashMagic. After that, you can use uVision to download your application into the external v.Neumann wired RAM. When the monitor is configured for the reset address of the microcontroller, you need to relocate your application (code, startup and interrupts) to a higher address where the v.Neumann wired RAM is located.
    If you don't have v.Neumann wired external RAM, you cannot use Monitor-51 but you could use ISD51. Please see more details:

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