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So, I've been working with the USB host library on this dev board for a little while (actual chip is STM32f207). FS is working fine, but as soon as I try to use the HS ULPI bits... it stops doing anything.

Diagnosis so far:
- No VBUS (as indicated by LED7 being unlit)
- Charge pump is enable low, and isn't being enabled (hence above)
- ULPI chip controls enable on the pump, so since the symptoms are the same on two boards it's likely that the chip is never being told to get going.

The bits that I'm setting in config are:

gccfg.b.pwdn = 0;

usbcfg.b.physel = 0;
usbcfg.b.ulpi_ext_vbus_drv = 1;
usbcfg.b.term_sel_dl_pulse = 0;
usbcfg.b.ulpi_fsls = 0;
usbcfg.b.ulpi_clk_sus_m = 0;
usbcfg.b.force_host = 1; //just in case? Only ever need host

I've checked voltages on the ULPI chip pins (reference out), I've checked clock on the chip... anyone have any ideas?

(Becoming increasingly frustrated with an apparent lack of information about registers on this chip. Is there detailed information anywhere that I'm just missing?)

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