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Putting a bunch of code in external flash and run from RAM.

Hi All,
I have bunch of code that we want to put the compiled file in the external flash, in the runtime i want to copy the code to RAM and run it from RAM. Consider that the code is using some variable in the RAM. the code is like this:


//for ccn!!!
CAN_FILTERING_ARRAY filter_array = { {0x650},1};
Can_Device m_canDev = {0x750, 0x0, 0xff, 500, &filter_array};

ProtocolProfiler profile1 = {

//task development :::::

ProtocolProfiler * m_CurrentProfile = &profile1;

float Calculate_Ids_B0(void)
  return 0.0f;

taskDiag task_sample[2] = {{1, 3, Calculate_Ids_B0, {{0, {0x10,0x90},2}}, {1}, 0, {""}, {0}},
{1, 3, Calculate_Ids_B0, {{0, {0x10,0x90},2}}, {1}, 0, {""}, {0}}};

////just for references.....
typedef struct _can_devices_
  uint16_t ID_part;
  uint8_t split_part;
  uint8_t fill_the_Rest ;
  uint16_t Delay_BetweenFrm;
  CAN_FILTERING_ARRAY * filter_array;
} Can_Device;

typedef struct _frame_bank_
  uint8_t frmBank[270];
  uint16_t rec_byte_number;
} m_FrmBank;

typedef struct _PROTOCOL_SOLVER_ {
  uint8_t (*ConnectProcedure) (Can_Device * canSpec);
  uint8_t (*SendAndRecieveFrame) (Can_Device * DevSpec, uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t size_of_buffer, uint8_t bank_frm_num);

typedef struct _comm_protocol_profile_
  uint8_t protocol_type;
  Can_Device * can_spect;
  PROTOCOL_SOLVER * protocol_solver;
} ProtocolProfiler;

I am using LPC1788 and EA-1788 board. I hope someone can help me.

Best Regards,

  • The linker supports that you specify one address for where to store the data, and another address for where to run the data.

    So you can get an output file that is intended for storage in external flash, but with all internal references adjusted for it to run in RAM.

  • The linker supports that you specify one address for where to store the data, and another address for where to run the data.

    So you can get an output file that is intended for storage in external flash, but with all internal references adjusted for it to run in RAM.
