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RTX5_RTOS2 MessageQueue

Trying to get a handle on the 'new' CMSIS Keil RTX5 RTOS2 and am currently working with MessageQueue. Specifically, I am creating my own osMessageQueueAttr_t so I have the ability to use my own static memory for messaging rather than using the MemoryPool option. However, the documentation is a bit lacking on the declaration of the elements within the Attr structure. So, stepped through rtx_msgsqueue.c function os_svcMessageQueueNew() and think I have a proper grasp on these elements but would like a confirmation that I am not uses too much memory in my declarations. Note the gaps are due to the code pasted from different areas of the same file. Thanks...

// Task MessageQueue sizes
#define TASK1_MSGQSIZE          10
#define TASK2_MSGQSIZE          10

// NOTE: os_message_t/os_message_queue_t structs are found in rtx_os.h
// from rtx_msgqueue.c: 0s_MemoryAlloc(os_Info.mem.common, sizeof(os_message_queue_t), 1U);
#define TASK1CB_MEMSIZE         sizeof(os_message_queue_t)
uint32_t Task1CBMemBlock[TASK1CB_MEMSIZE];
// from rtx_msgqueue.c: (msg_count * (msg_size + sizeof(os_message_t))) = 160 (0xA0)
#define TASK1MQ_MEMSIZE         (TASK1_MSGQSIZE*(sizeof(uint32_t)+sizeof(os_message_t)))
uint32_t Task1MQMemBlock[TASK1MQ_MEMSIZE];
Trying to get a handle on the 'new' CMSIS RTOS2
osMessageQueueAttr_t Task1MsgAttr = {
        .name = "T1MsgQ",
//      .attr_bits = 0,                                         // NOT a CLUE what these are....
        .cb_mem = &Task1CBMemBlock[0],              //
        .cb_size = TASK1CB_MEMSIZE,
        .mq_mem = &Task1MQMemBlock[0],              // data memory (rtx_msgqueue.c line 307)
        .mq_size = TASK1MQ_MEMSIZE

if ((Task1MsgQId = osMessageQueueNew(TASK1_MSGQSIZE, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL)) == NULL)  while(1);