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Problem running ARM assembly language on uVision 5

Hello. I was trying to "build target" with the following codes:

       MOV   r0,#0              ;clear total in r0
       MOV   r1,#10             ;FOR i = 1 to 10
Next   MUL   r2,r1,r1           ;  square number
       MLA   r0,r2,r1,r0        ;  cube number and add to total
       SUBS  r1,r1,#1           ;  decrement loop count
       BNE   Next               ;END FOR

However, 2 errors were reported.

Try Keil\test.asm(1): error: A1163E: Unknown opcode ARMTEST, , expecting opcode or Macro
Try Keil\test.asm(2): error: A1355U: A Label was found which was in no AREA
".\Objects\Try1.axf" - 2 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).
Target not created.

I have no idea what is not correct. Does anyone know what happen? Please help. Thank you.