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How can i control a servo using ONLY assembly code? FRDM-kl25z and KEIL

Currently working a school project where i need to control a servo using only assembly. I cant find anything anywhere that doesn't involve a C program.

I understand the use of PWM i just don't know how to implement it using the Cortex M0 instruction set.

  • If it's a school project, then:

    - review your class notes;

    - study the course set books / reading list;

    - use the school library;

    - talk to your teachers.

    "I cant find anything anywhere that doesn't involve a C program"

    So take that as a description of what needs to be done - and then code that in assembler.

  • If it's a school project, then:

    - review your class notes;

    - study the course set books / reading list;

    - use the school library;

    - talk to your teachers.

    "I cant find anything anywhere that doesn't involve a C program"

    So take that as a description of what needs to be done - and then code that in assembler.
