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Conditional Check in Assemly File Like C Preprocessor

I want to set the stack size in assembly depending on if a definition exists, in the same in way as is done in the C preprocessor.

For example in C I would do this:

Stack EQU 0x00000800
Stack EQU 0x00008000

I found this article in the Assembler User's Guide:

And tried this:

Stack EQU 0x00000800
Stack EQU 0x00008000

but I get the error:

startup_MSP432P4.s(31): error: A1355U: A Label was found which was in no AREA

I can probably use the --cpreproc option as described here:

but this is more complication than I want to add to my project, especially for something so simple.

Is it possible to do what I want?


  • Keil's own startup files are using conditional processing - have you looked at them?

    Next thing - you posted source code without following the posting instructions for how to post source code. So it isn't possible to see if you have done any indenting of your source lines.

    The assembler cares more about white space than the C compiler does.

  • Keil's own startup files are using conditional processing - have you looked at them?

    Next thing - you posted source code without following the posting instructions for how to post source code. So it isn't possible to see if you have done any indenting of your source lines.

    The assembler cares more about white space than the C compiler does.
