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Need AES Algorithm and matched by hardware

Hi Dear
I need a free Encryption AES Algorithm Source code for ARM which matched by hardware ARM.
I have set key and send Plain by PC and receive Cipher from ARM.

Best Regards

  • Hardware AES encryption would depend on the specific part and vendor implementation being used.

    For software can't you start with the wide array of C source for AES already available on the net? Then you just need a C Compiler to make if for your own specific platform. You might need to review the source and do some basic porting for the tool-chain/platform.

    Discuss with your Professor, Tutor or Supervisor

  • Hardware AES encryption would depend on the specific part and vendor implementation being used.

    For software can't you start with the wide array of C source for AES already available on the net? Then you just need a C Compiler to make if for your own specific platform. You might need to review the source and do some basic porting for the tool-chain/platform.

    Discuss with your Professor, Tutor or Supervisor

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